Friday, May 1, 2009


When driving a stick shift or manual transmission car it is important to watch the gauges, and listen to the sound of the engine. As you start in a lower gear the rpm's (revolutions per minute) increase. This is indicated by the the tachometer rising and the engine noise rising in pitch and intensity. Inside the engine the friction is causing the temperature to rise, and the pressure to build. When this process gets to a critical point one is faced with making a choice. There are three options to choose from: 1) back off the gas - but this will slow or hinder progress. 2) ignore the gauges and engine sounds and keep the gas to the floor proceeding as if nothing was happening - this, however, will blow the engine and stop progress. 3) simply shift into the next gear - which propels one forward.

In our world several areas are reaching that critical stage, and we must chose: back off, ignore and proceed as if nothing were happening, or shift.

Saul of Tarsus reached just such a critical point when he was knocked to the ground and blinded by the presence of Jesus Christ. He chose to shift, to change. His shift transformed a staunch Jew with a major religious pedigree and a zealous determination to fight all others, into a follower of Jesus, preacher of the very faith he once tried to stamp out, and writer of much of what would later become know as the New Testament.

In following Saul of Tarsus, aka the Apostle Paul's example, we must choose to shift. We are now at a critical point in at least four major areas:

1. The way we live. Rather than give a bunch of boring statistics, I will simply says that recent stats indicate that there is very little practical difference in the way professed believers live when compared to those who make no profession of faith. In areas such as drinking to drunkenness, viewing of pornography, unwed pregnancy, and divorce rates the stats demonstrate that professed Christians participate in the illicit activities in almost the same percentages that non-Christians do. It is time for us to realize that Jesus saved us from our sins, and that we need to live differently in a positive way that all those who have not yet been saved. The Scriptures challenge believers to come out from among them and be separate. We must shift from living to please our own selfish lusts to living to please God.

2. The way we worship. Jesus says that the Father is seeking worshipers, worshipers of a certain kind. Those who will worship Him in Spirit and in truth. Worshiping in truth speaks of worshiping God, God's way, according to His word. Worshiping in Spirit speaks of recognizing and responding to the presence of God through His Holy Spirit. The response will be emotional, but thats just how God created us, as emotional beings. I recently attended an Indiana Pacers basketball game. I am not a big Pacer's fan, or even a big basketball fan, but the tickets were cheap, the pretzel and diet coke were delicious, and the fellowship was great. While sitting down eating my pretzel a player named LaBron James took the ball, headed toward his teams goal, went overtop of two Pacer players, and did a two handed slam dunk. Even though I am not a big basketball fan, and even though he played for the opposing team I jumped to my feet, screaming with the other 18,000 people in the arena and even high fived the guy next to me. Why? I had an emotional response to a good play made by a great player in the game I was watching. Why should I be any less willing to exhibit an emotional response to the presence of God in worship. I must shift from a passive to a sincere worshiper.

3. Our source of power. As a pentecostal believer in Jesus, I must rely on His strength, and not just my own. His strength turned Simon Peter from a coward who denied even knowing Jesus into a man who stood up in Roman occupied Jerusalem and proclaimed for all to hear that Jesus, whom they had crucified, was both Lord and Christ. By all rights he in making this bold proclamation, signed his own death warrant. He was saying Caesar is not lord, Jesus is Lord. Caesar is not king, Jesus is King. What shift occurred in Peter's life that so changed him? Acts 2 tells the story, and basically says he was baptized in the Holy Ghost. We need to make that same shift, and be baptized in the Holy Ghost.

4. Our mission. This Christianity thing really isn't about us, you and me a believers. It is not about what ministers to us, and makes us happy. Jesus said he did not come to be ministered to, but to minister. To seek and save the lost. Our mission should be more about HIs mission, and less about which church offers the most convenient location, most comfortable accommodations, most entertaining performances from stage, best programs to make my life better and easier, etc It should be about living before our lost family and friends so that they see Jesus, speaking to our family and friends so that they hear about Jesus, and introducing them to Jesus so that too can have a relationship with Him. It is time to shift.

Will you join me, lets Shift_ Life, Worship, Power, Mission.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Life and Death and Life in light of Jesus' Resurrection

This past weekend Christians all over the world celebrated or at least recognized the life, crucifixion death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Some celebrated loudly, others silently pondered.

Over this weekend I learned of the deaths of two pastor friends: C.D. McClure from Indiana, and D.G. Daniels who I knew from my time in Kansas. Both of these men served God as pastors of local churches, both were killed by cancer.

As I reflected on what I knew of the lives of both of these men and how they left this world, I found my mind going down a mental pathway modeled after the roadway outside of Mary and Martha's house. When their brother Lazarus had died, and they were grieving, Jesus approached from what seemed an eternity away. They thought the same thing, and even boldly voiced it to Jesus, "If only" Jesus had shown up earlier, before Lazarus had died. My mind also journeyed down that road. If only Jesus had shown up... Either or both of these men could still be alive, preaching the Gospel and with one major testimony to boot.

But then as my mind followed that well worn pathway, I watched from a distance as Jesus called Lazarus from the grave. In doing this Jesus brought to life not only the dead body of his friend, but also the words He had spoken in response to the sisters cry. "I am the Resurrection and the Life."

It is not recorded in scripture, but Lazarus eventually died and was buried again. So his being raised from the dead had to be about far more than him, and his alloted time on this earth. It was about Jesus, and resurrection, and life beyond. Beyond the here and now, beyond this earth, beyond time... into eternity. It set the stage for the resurrection of Jesus Himself. The one who called others back to life, faced death head on Himself, and by His own power defeated death and emerged victorious forever over death. Jesus came into time and settled eternity. Now Jesus can and sometimes does intervene by showing up as healer, or as supplier, or as deliverer, or as the one who calls someone back from the grave to life on this earth, but when He delays and need seems to go unmet, or sickness leads to death He is not being negligent, or uncaring, or less than savior. He is Jesus, He is resurrection and Life, He is the I AM! I may not ever understand the whys and why nots, the what ifs or the what could have beens. I may never know the answer to the many questions brought to my mind by the rawness of life and death on planet Earth, but I am confident in Jesus. In who He is, and in what He is doing far beyond what I can see and know.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A message for this season.

A message God has given me for this season as I travel to our various churches is from Genesis 39:20-23. In short it is the narrative of Joseph's imprisonment. He was falsely accused, and as a result unjustly imprisoned. He had actually done the right thing yet found himself in a very difficult time. The story tells us that in spite of the tremendously difficult situation God was with Joseph, and gave him His mercy (faithfulness, kindness, and goodness) and also favor. This was not, however, a get out of jail free card for Joseph. He remained in prison for several more years. Yet what the text reveals is that because of God's presence, mercy and favor, Joseph possessed authority for his circumstance, recognized opportunity in his circumstance, and was prospered by God in spite of his circumstance.

I pray that the same will be true in your life during this difficult season.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

God is Great, God is Good...

I first learned these words as part of a childhood blessing prayed over meals. Growing up I repeated them countless times as I learned how to pray and truly be cognizant of and appreciative for God's generous hand in providing my daily food. As I became older and more mature in my prayer life, I filed those well worn words away in the back of my mind opting to speak more from the heart than from memorized words.

God graced my life with two wonderful boys. As they became old enough to talk Candie and I began to teach them to pray. We dusted off the old childhood prayer and used it as a tool in teaching Evan and Jordan to pray over meals. They have long since outgrown those early stages of learning to pray, so again I shelved the phrase.

Sitting in a small diner recently I heard a cute little girl rehearse those words again as her parents were teaching her about prayer. My first thoughts were of my boys, and my own childhood. But then those words reasserted themselves in my mind and heart. God is indeed Great. There is none like Him. He is awesome, immense, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, immutable, eternal... truly GREAT. God is also Good. He is love, kind and gracious, merciful and patient, faithful and generous, caring for His creation in ways beyond our comprehension... God is GOOD.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


We all breathe, it is a natural, ordinary part of our living. Most of us never think about it, we take it for granted.  Researchers are discovering some very interesting things about breathing. According to the research it is optimal for an adult to breathe 6 breaths per minute.  Six breaths per minute allows deep intake of oxygen, and a full exhale of carbon monoxide.  This maximizes the human metabolism, produces energy, and keeps the mind clear and alert among other healthy benefits.  How many breaths per minute do you take?  The average American adult takes 18 - 20 under normal circumstances, up to 25 during times of stress.  The hectic pace of our living has caused us to be inefficient at something we should be naturally efficient at. Without even realizing it we are harming ourselves by our errant breathing. These shortened breaths limit oxygen intake, and cause retention of carbon monoxide. This slows our metabolism, dulls our alertness, clouds our thinking, and reduces our energy.

Throughout Scripture the original language words translated as spirit, even when referring to God the Holy Spirit, can equally be translated breath.  For believers, God had provided His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is to live in us. When we breath deeply of His presence He energizes us, gives us insight, wisdom, and revelation. As pentecostal believers, we are supposed to live full of Him, but I wonder if we at times get so caught up in our busy living that we forget to breathe deeply of Him.  

I challenge you, slow down, take a few deep breaths. More importantly, take some time to breathe deeply of the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Who are you when no one is around?

Walking through a department store recently I heard the old Billy Joel song "Stranger" and it sparked my thinking.  In the song Mr. Joel sang about the masks that we all wear at times. The implication is that we do not reveal our true selves to anyone, ever. We instead wear the mask, the faces of the stranger, that we feel will most fit the situation we are in or the crowd we are with.  

I attended the funeral of a very well respected Indiana minister this past week.  I listened as several people spoke of his life, and the impact he had on their lives.  His children, a grandchild, and fellow ministers stood one by one and told of his integrity, his uniqueness, his knowledge of Scripture, his living of Christlike character.  I wondered as they spoke, what would be said of me if it were my lifeless body in the casket up front. What would my wife, children, friends, colleagues, etc. say about me?

Then today as I sat alone in my office (the heavy snow fall and high winds had sent everyone else home early) the thought hit me, who am I when no one else is around? Who am I when it is just me and God?  Now don't get me wrong, I definitely want my wife, sons, friends, colleagues, etc. to like me, to respect me, to think well of me, but more than all of them, I want God to be pleased with me. So I must guard my life: my words, my eyes, my thoughts, my hands, my everything. I, like all the rest of us humans, will continue to wear the masks, the faces of the stranger, before others, but there are no masks with God. He sees us as we really are... Amazingly He loves, and likes us anyway. 

Monday, January 26, 2009


There are so many sayings about change: "the only constant is change," "ready or not here we change," "the only person who really wants change is the baby with the soiled diaper,"... 

Today I have been thinking about change. The scriptures reveal in Daniel 2:21 that it is God who changes the times and seasons. Through this simple text we learn a couple of key truths: 1. Change is going to happen, 2. It is God who brings or initiates change.  These two simple truths actually bring great relief to me in the current world situation, and church culture.  With the fast paced constant change in the world, and the pressure for the church to change it is easy to feel pressure and responsibility that do not belong to you.  I have watched so many pastors and church leaders mishandle change.

I think it ought to be made illegal for any pastor or church leader to stand in his/her pulpit and declare "I am tired of church as usual."  This usually brings a posture of confrontation. The ensuing confrontation is rarely a positive force for forward momentum. As a pastor or church leader the issue of how to handle change is vital.  To simply declare ones frustration with the status quo is not enough, we must lead people through the process of change.  Lead not push, pull, or point the way to change, but actually lead.  This begins with a building of mutual trust. Your people will not follow you if they do not trust you, know you trust them and have their and the churches best interest at heart. It continues with a recognition and appreciation for the heritage and history of the church, an accurate realization of where the church is currently, and at least a mental sketch of where God wants to take His church.  Once the leader has a firm grasp on these vitals he/she must communicate these to the church in love.  A key aspect of this communication must be the painting of a portrait of a preferred future.  Most people will be more motivated by a passionate vision for an improved future than they will be by a declaration of your frustration with the way things are now.  This is by no means the totality of leading through change, but hopefully it is something to spark your thinking.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An Historic Day

In less than half an hour our nation (USA) will undergo a change of presidents.  As everyone knows the 44th president will be Barack Obama, a man of color. The first man of color elected to the highest office in our country.  Whether you voted for Obama or not, whether you agree with his politics or not, his election and inauguration are historic. As Americans we should recognize and celebrate the historic nature of January 20, 2009.  We are far from a totally equitable society, but we are further along the path toward equality than 100, 50, 25, or even 10 years ago. Over the past weekend I pulled up online the video of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous "I have a dream" speech.  Aside from the tremendous talent Dr. King possessed as a speaker, the substance of his speech laid a foundation of words that "we" as a nation are still building on. I enclose the word "we" in quotes to emphasize that all of us, human beings of every color, are building on Dr. King's dream of equality.  Recently my family and I visited Jamestown, Williamsburg, and Yorktown, Virginia. On our visit to the "Historic Triangle" I was struck by the language of freedom and equality with which our nation began juxtaposed against the reality of slavery and inequality that was the norm in our fledgling democracy.  The words "all men are created equal" are famous in our founding documents.  I don't know how Dr. King looked on these famous words. I don't know if they inspired or grieved him.  I do know that as I look at them and hear the word's of Dr. King crying for equality my heart is cautiously optimistic.  I am optimistic that we can indeed learn to view one another based on our intrinsic value as human beings created in the image and likeness of God, not on any external, whether it be color, gender, socioeconomic status, etc.  I am cautious, however, to realize that equality is not always easily defined, understood, or accepted. I hope that we can learn equality and live equally.  I know Obama's election and inauguration do not solve everything, but I trust it gives us a realistic sense of hope. Hope for all Americans, of all races, hope for an America that no longer has a racial problem.  Hope for a nation that views all men and women as truly created equal.  There are so many other problems, many of which we can solve, if we unite in purpose and no longer judge one another by the color of our skin.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Oh God, I Don't Know If I Can Do This!

I was a child in the 70's. My summer days were spent on my three speed bike. My friends and I rode everywhere on our bikes. During this era Evel Knievel was attempting motorcycle jumps over cars, buses, etc. I watched him on TV and was inspired. The fact that he crashed often didn't deter my inspiration.  My friends and I built a small ramp. Jump after jump went successfully so we raised the ramp; making it higher and longer. More jumps followed, all successful so... I decided I would make it more like Evel Knievel. We jacked up the ramp, higher and longer still, then placed my brother's tricycle, a big wheel, three bicycles, and an empty metal trash can after the ramp. It looked so cool.  I rode to the top of the hill, looked down at the ramp and took off. I made three passes to check my speed and then rode to the top of the hill one more time.  At the top I hesitated only a moment and hit the peddles.  If I peddled hard enough, I would max out third gear just before hitting the ramp. I did max it out, leveled the peddles with my left foot forward, my right foot back. At that moment the only thing going faster than me on my bike was my heart. It felt like it would beat out of my chest. I will never forget as my front tire hit the bottom of the ramp and I knew I could not turn aside or go back, my mind screamed "Oh God, I don't know if I can do this."  But I did do it. They say God looks out for fools and little children, well I know He looked out for this foolish child that day. I made the jump over the tricycle, big wheel, three bicycles, and the metal trash can and landed hard but kept the bike upright. Wow, what an adrenalin rush.  I was thinking earlier this morning about how many times leadership and ministry has been a lot like the childhood bicycle jump I made imitating Evel Knievel.  Sitting on the front pew awaiting them to announce me as the "preacher" for that Sunday night service, my first sermon, I felt my heart beating so hard it felt like it would burst. As I stood and walked toward the pulpit my mind screamed "Oh God, I don't know if I can do this."  I sat in the hospital family room and heard the number one pediatric brain specialist in the world coldly tell the family from the small church I was pastoring that their 13 year old daughter had sub-acute sclerosing pan-encephalitis, a terminal illness that gave her only six months to a year to live, and then said "I see you have your clergyman with you if you have any questions, you can talk to him. Once again my heart raced, and my mind screamed "Oh God, I don't know if I can do this." I looked at the estimates amounting to a quarter million dollars to make the needed repairs and improvements to the church building. When I had arrived only one year prior the financial report looked like it had been produced in a slaughter house. There was red everywhere. Now a year later we had worked hard and paid off the churches total indebtedness. I had made the brash statement from the pulpit that we would do everything from now on without debt. Staring at the cost estimate numbers my heart started that now familiar hard count, and my mind again screamed, "Oh God, I don't know if I can do this." Over and over this heartbeat and mind scream have taken place in my life: accepting ministry opportunities and realizing the job was so much bigger than me, walking toward pulpits with all eyes on me, expecting me to have a word from God,  looking at financial reports, trend charts, cost estimates, listening to people pour out their hearts wanting me to have their answer, entering a new office, my office with all of its responsibilities...  Time and time again my heart has beat fast, and my mind screamed, "Oh God, I don't know if I can do this."  But I am happy to report God has never failed me.  He has always helped me.  Reading the stories of the men and women in Scripture I have noticed that most of them are pretty ordinary people who were thrust into extraordinary circumstances and God helped them do what was beyond themselves. As a matter of fact God rarely asks us to do just what we can do. He almost always calls us to go beyond ourselves.  Then when we step out, when we hit the peddles and reach our maximum, and commit to no turning aside or going back, God shows up, and He never fails.  Evel Knievel had nothing on those of us who are in Ministry and Leadership.  

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Lessons from the ghosts that have been haunting me...

As part of my family's Christmas tradition we always go on a journey. Usually it includes a couple days in my wife's hometown in Virginia, and a couple of days in my hometown - Canton, NC. Then we do a vacation week with just the four of us. We continued our tradition this year. Returning to our hometowns is always a mixed bag. First we do love and enjoy seeing our families and getting to spend time with them. I was blessed to grow up in a wonderful family and our opportunities to be with them are too few and far between. Another enjoyable part of being back home is the holiday meal(s), and gift exchanges. I am just vain enough to admit that a third part I really like is the almost celebrity status I enjoy as the only member of my family to have moved out of town and now coming back home for a visit. There are always issues though: sleeping arrangements, hectic schedule trying not to miss seeing anyone, working our holiday events around the work schedules of my family, who are home in my hometown, and trying not get in their way... One issue though, that really hit hard this year was the ghosts... Now don't worry I have not lost my mind and started believing in "Casper" or the horror movie version of disembodied spirits bound in everlasting chains and sentenced to roam the earth and haunt the living. What I am talking about are the traces or residue of the relationships we have had, the decisions and choices we have made, and the sometimes painful regrets of knowing what was but is no more or possibly what could have been. In one of my early morning conversations with my Dad and Mom, while everyone else was still sleeping, we talked about many of my old high school friends. Unfortunately too much of the conversation focused on them telling me who had died this past year. I am way to young to have that many school friends dying. But a significant number have indeed died. Everyone of them from a self-inflicted cause - not suicide in its strictest sense, but lifestyle choices that robbed them of their lives. When I think back to the time I had with each of the people my Dad and Mom told me about, my heart breaks. Back in the day I was so inconsistent in my walk with Christ, to worried about whether or not I would be accepted and popular, so caught up in my own stuff that I didn't do a very good job of being a true reflection of Jesus to them and now they are gone, gone to meet Him... Regret is a tough pill to swallow! I cannot go back and change even one detail of my past, I cannot undo or redo, no one can. But the ghosts are haunting me, so what can I do?...........

I can learn from them to be more intentional in my living now. More careful to accurately reflect Jesus to those who are in my life now. I can't go back to then, and I am not promised tomorrow, but I do have now. So now I will love, live, share, give, converse, speak, reflect, preach, teach, work, be... with absolute passion for Jesus and the people he allows to be in my life.