Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A message for this season.

A message God has given me for this season as I travel to our various churches is from Genesis 39:20-23. In short it is the narrative of Joseph's imprisonment. He was falsely accused, and as a result unjustly imprisoned. He had actually done the right thing yet found himself in a very difficult time. The story tells us that in spite of the tremendously difficult situation God was with Joseph, and gave him His mercy (faithfulness, kindness, and goodness) and also favor. This was not, however, a get out of jail free card for Joseph. He remained in prison for several more years. Yet what the text reveals is that because of God's presence, mercy and favor, Joseph possessed authority for his circumstance, recognized opportunity in his circumstance, and was prospered by God in spite of his circumstance.

I pray that the same will be true in your life during this difficult season.

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