Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Jesus did not come to preach the gospel...

On my way back to the office from eating lunch I listened to Len Sweet's "Napkin Scribbles" podcast. In the five minutes he spoke he said something that really fired up my brain.  "Jesus did not come to the earth to preach the gospel, but so that we might have a gospel to preach." Immediately I thought of Jesus reading the OT prophet as recorded in Luke 4:18.   A passage that clearly says, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed me to preach the gospel..."   Maybe Len Sweet was wrong... But then I got back to the office with my mind blazing, and looked up the passage.  Beginning at verse 16 we see Jesus arriving at the synagogue, being handed the scriptures, and then standing up to read.  He did indeed read the passage from the OT prophet Isaiah. Then He closed the scroll, handed it back to the attendant, and sat down. The passage says the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed upon Him. Having their attention, He then proclaimed, "Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing." What did, and does He mean by this statement?  I believe Jesus means that He had come to be all that the gospel proclaimed the promised Messiah would be.  He came not just to talk about Messiah, or even to simply proclaim Messiah, but to do what Messiah was supposed to do, to fulfill the promises about Messiah, to "be" the Messiah.  That Messiah (Jesus) has come is the gospel, the good news believers receive and proclaim.   


Anonymous said...

thanks for the insight into the word today. i love this stuff more people need to be doing this. yes myself aswell. who was the person that you were listening to len sweets.is it a free pod cast? thanks again chris

Rob Taylor said...

Yes Len Sweet and the free podcast is called "Napkin Scribbles." He makes you really stop and think. I do not necessarily agree with everything he says, but then again I do not even agree with everything I have ever said or believed.